Posts tagged chic

It would soooo be Nicole Richie....

Latest obsession is her purple hurrr. If we thought only Kelly Osborne could carry off the purple rinse, we were so very wrong. Not only is she uber stylish, she also owns a jewelry line House of Harlow.

Who would have thought all those years ago, Nicole would end up one of our biggest style crushes. Look, we loved 'The Simple Life' who didn't? But we have to admit some of Nicole's fashion statements were something to be forgotten. Much like our Kappa jacket, boob tubes (as mini skirts) and peddle pusher stage. So we won't reminisce, but we will celebrate this gorge transformation. We are not talking weight. Who cares she used to have a little puppy fat, but more to the point... look how freaking stylish she is... All hail Nicole Richie... WE LOVE YOUR STYLE...